Spaghetti with Speck Alto Adige - recipe

Course: starter
Style: modern
Level of difficulty: medium
Preparation time: 45 min. + 2-3 hours
Created by: Herbert Hintner


  Spaghetti with Speck

Pasta dough:
175 g wheat flour 
25 g durum wheat flour  
4 egg yolks 
½ tbsp. olive oil 
2 g salt
Hard bread cream:
60 Speck Alto Adige PGI 
250 g vegetable stock 
100 g South-Tyrolean hard bread 
25 g chive
50 g alpine cheese 
100 g sweetheart cabbage
salt, pepper, olive oil
Pasta dough:
250 g wheat flour
50 g durum wheat flour 
8 egg yolks 
1 tbsp. olive oil
5 g salt
Hard bread cream:
120 Speck Alto Adige PGI 
500 g vegetable stock 
200 g South-Tyrolean hard bread
50 g chive 
100 g alpine cheese 
200 g sweetheart cabbage
salt, pepper, olive oil
Pasta dough:
500 g wheat flour 
100 g durum wheat flour  
16 egg yolks  
2 tbsp. olive oil 
10 g salt
Hard bread cream:
240 Speck Alto Adige PGI 
1000 g vegetable stock 
400 g South-Tyrolean hard bread 
100 g chive 
200 g alpine cheese 
400 g sweetheart cabbage
salt, pepper, olive oil


Pasta dough:

Thoroughly whisk wheat flour and durum wheat flour, form a hole in the middle and add salt, egg yolks and olive oil. From the inside stir in the flour circularly and knead well for approximately 10 minutes. Leave the dough to rest for 2-3 hours.

Hand bread cream:

Bring vegetable stock to the boil, add the hard bread, season with salt and pepper, and then simmer for about 10 minutes and afterwards purée the mixture. Cut the sweet heart cabbage into slices and fry it in olive oil, salt and pepper at a lower heat. Roll out the pasta dough thinly, place it on a pasta machine and pass it through it. Cook the pasta in salted water for 3-5 minutes, add the cooked Spaghetti to the sweet heart cabbage and at the end toss them altogether.

Serving suggestion:

Place the hard bread cream in the middle of the plate, and garnish it with the Speck Alto Adige PGI, chive and alpine cheese.


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