Carpaccio of Speck Alto Adige with figs and mustard dressing – recipe

Course: main course
Style: modern
Level of difficulty: easy Plaited breadsticks with spelt and nut flour and Speck Alto Adige
Preparation time: 15 min.
Created by: Julia Morat


  Carpaccio di Speck Alto Adige IGP con fichi e dressing alla senape

120 g Speck Alto Adige cut into thin slices
6 figs
parmesan shavings

For the dressing
20 g mustard
20 ml apple vinegar
20 g honey
chilli pepper
salt, pepper
40 ml olio extravergine di oliva


240 g Speck Alto Adige cut into thin slices
12 figs
parmesan shavings

For the dressing
40 g mustard
40 ml apple vinegar
40 g honey
chilli pepper
salt, pepper
80 ml olio extravergine di oliva

480 g Speck Alto Adige cut into thin slices
24 figs
parmesan shavings

For the dressing
80 g mustard
80 ml apple vinegar
80 g honey
chilli pepper
salt, pepper
160 ml olio extravergine di oliva



Cut the Speck Alto Adige PGI into thin slices (if not already done by the butcher).
Wash the figs, dab them dry and quarter them.
Cut the parmesan into shavings.

Mix the mustard and apple cider vinegar well in a small bowl. Add the honey, chilli pepper, salt and pepper and mix once more. Finally, stir in the olive oil gradually to form a homogeneous dressing.

Arrange the slices of Speck Alto Adige PGI and figs on the plates. Add the parmesan shavings, drizzle with the mustard dressing and serve.



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