Ravioli with prawns and Speck Alto Adige PGI - recipe


Course: starter
Style: modern
Level of difficulty: medium
Preparation time: 60 min. + 30 min.
Created by: Consorzio Tutela Speck Alto Adige


  Ravioli with prawns and Speck

For the pasta dough:
85 g flour 
75 g semolina 
½ t oil
¼ t salt 
75 ml cold water
some fennel greens
For the filling:
3 large prawns
50 g ricotta 
½ green onion, finely diced
some lemon zest
white pepper
For the accompaniment:
½ fennel bulb
50 g datterini tomatoes 
25 g kumquats 
½ T butter
For the sauce:
50 ml cream 
25 ml water
50 ml Pastis
black pepper, freshly ground
Further ingredients:
50 g Speck Alto Adige PGI 
1 T fennel seed
white of ½ egg
butter for frying
fennel greens to garnish
For the pasta dough:
170 g flour 
150 g semolina 
1 t oil 
½ t salt 
150 ml cold water
some fennel greens
For the filling:
6 large prawns 
100 g ricotta 
1 green onion, finely diced
some lemon zest
white pepper
For the accompaniment:
1 fennel bulb 
100 g datterini tomatoes
50 g kumquats 
1 T butter
For the sauce:
100 ml cream
50 ml water 
100 ml Pastis
black pepper, freshly ground
Further ingredients:
100 g Speck Alto Adige PGI 
2 T fennel seed
white of ½ egg
butter for frying
fennel greens to garnish
For the pasta dough:
340 g flour 
300 g semolina 
2 t oil 
1 t salt 
300 ml cold water
some fennel greens
For the filling:
12 large prawns 
200 g ricotta 
2 green onion, finely diced
some lemon zest
white pepper
For the accompaniment:
2 fennel bulb 
200 g datterini tomatoes 
100 g kumquats 
2 T butter
For the sauce:
200 ml cream 
100 ml water 
200 ml Pastis
black pepper, freshly ground
Further ingredients:
200 g Speck Alto Adige PGI 
4 T fennel seed
white of 1 egg
butter for frying
fennel greens to garnish


For the pasta dough, mix the flour, semolina and salt in a bowl. Add water and oil and mix well by hand. Knead until the dough is elastic; if the dough is too hard or soft, add water or flour. Wrap in plastic and let rest for about 30 minutes at room temperature. Then roll out by hand or with a pasta maker, working in the fennel greens. For the accompaniment, clean and slice the fennel bulb into slices lengthwise. Slice the tomatoes and kumquats into rounds. Sauté carefully in butter one after another, season with salt and pepper. Remove from the pan and keep warm. For the filling, shell and clean and devein the prawns. Set aside the shells and 4 prawns. Chop the rest of the prawns and mix with ricotta, green onion, lemon zest and salt. Slice 4 thin slices of Speck Alto Adige PGI, finely cubing the rest. Lay the slices between parchment paper and fry in a pan, weighing them down with a pot so they don’t curl. Drain on paper towels. Fry the Speck Alto Adige PGI cubes until crisp and drain on paper towels. Fry the fennel seeds slowly in butter, remove them from the pan to drain on paper towels. Roll the pasta dough into a long strip and space spoonfuls of filling on the dough. Sprinkle the spoonfuls with a few crispy Speck Alto Adige PGI cubes. Brush the gaps between the spoonfuls with egg white and lay another pasta strip on top. Press the gaps well to seal and cut into ravioli with a cookie cutter or pasta wheel. Cook in boiling salt water. Fry the prawn shells in the pan the vegetables were cooked in. Add the leftovers from fennel, tomatoes and kumquats and cook for about another 3 minutes. Deglaze with Pastis and add the water and cream. Season well with salt and pepper, strain through a fine sieve and cook until creamy. Butterfly the 4 prawns, fry carefully in butter and season with salt. Pour stripes of sauce on the plates and top with the fried fennel slices. Arrange the ravioli on the fennel and sprinkle with the remaining Speck Alto Adige PGI cubes and fennel seed. Garnish with the butterflied prawns, tomatoes, kumquats, Speck Alto Adige PGI chips and fennel greens.

The ravioli are cooked when they rise to the surface of the water.


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