Crème brûlée with plum sauce and matchsticks of speck Alto Adige PGI

Course: dessert
Style: modern
Level of difficulty: difficult
Preparation time: 60 min.
Created by: Klara & Ida


  Crème brûlée with wintry plum sauce and matchsticks of speck Alto Adige PGI

For the crème brûlée
250 ml milk 
250 g cream
1 vanilla pod 
4 egg yolks 
90 g white sugar 

For the sauce
440 g ripe plums (or, alternatively, frozen or canned)  
1 level tsp. cinnamon
1 clove
60g Speck Alto Adige PGI
2 tsps. fine cane sugar

You will also need: 
4 crème brûlée dishes (9 cm Ø), mint to garnish



Preheat the oven (fan-assist) to 180°C. Pour the milk and cream into a pan and warm slightly. Split the vanilla pod lengthwise and remove the seeds. Add the seeds and pod to the milk and cream. Bring to the boil, remove from the heat immediately and leave to cool for 15 minutes.

Place the egg yolks and white sugar in a bowl and combine with a spoon, taking care that it does not become foamy. Pour the milk and cream through a sieve onto the egg yolk and sugar, and whisk with a balloon whisk until the sugar has fully dissolved. 

Place the ramekins on a baking tray. Sieve the creme into the crème brûlée dishes (to ensure a creamier result). Place the dishes in a bain marie (e.g., a casserole dish filled 2/3 with water). Place in a hot oven (middle) and bake for 45 minutes. If they brown too much on top, cover with foil. The crème brûlée is ready when the centre jiggles a little and the edges are firm. Leave to cool for one hour and then transfer to the fridge.

Wash, pit and roughly chop the plums (remove from the freezer in advance if using frozen plums). Place them in a saucepan together with the cinnamon and clove, and heat slowly with the lid on. Cook at a medium temperature for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. (Plums break down quickly and release their juices, so no further liquid is required. If this does not happen, add a spoonful or two of water). Remove the clove when cooked. 

Slice the Speck Alto Adige PGI into fine matchsticks, place in a frying pan, sprinkle with sugar and fry for 5 minutes until crispy and caramelised. Take care not to burn. Remove from the pan and set to one side. Top the crème brûlée with the plum sauce and Speck Alto Adige PGI and serve. 


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