Speck Alto Adige PGI carpaccio and boletus mushrooms - recipe

Course: appetizer
Style: modern
Level of difficulty: easy
Preparation time: 30 min.
Created by: H. Gasteiger, G. Wieser, H. Bachmann


  Speck carpaccio and boletus mushrooms

100 g Speck Alto Adige PGI 
40 g fresh boletus mushrooms (boletus edulis aka ceps/porcini/penny buns) 
1 radish
5 g spring onions 
30 g lamb’s lettuce
½ tbs. lemon juice 
2 tbs. olive oil
salt and freshly ground white pepper
In addition:
½ tbs. horseradish, grated 
1 tbs. bread croutons
200 g Speck Alto Adige PGI 
80 g fresh boletus mushrooms (boletus edulis aka ceps/porcini/penny buns) 
2 radishes 
10 g spring onions 
60 g lamb’s lettuce
1 tbs. lemon juice 
4 tbs. olive oil
salt and freshly ground white pepper
In addition:
1 tbs. horseradish, grated 
2 tbs. bread croutons
400 g Speck Alto Adige PGI 
160 g fresh boletus mushrooms (boletus edulis aka ceps/porcini/penny buns) 
4 radishes 
20 g spring onions 
120 g lamb’s lettuce
2 tbs. lemon juice 
8 tbs. olive oil
salt and freshly ground white pepper
In addition:
2 tbs. horseradish, grated 
4 tbs. bread croutons


Salad dressing:

Mix the salt and freshly-grated pepper in a bowl, add the olive oil, stir vigorously and salt to taste.


Remove the rind and the crust of herbs from the Speck Alto Adige PGI and slice thinly (using a slicer if available), arrange on the plates in circles. Clean the raw boletus mushrooms, slice thinly and sprinkle over the Speck Alto Adige PGI. Wash the radishes and slice likewise. Clean the spring onions, slice into rings and add to the Speck Alto Adige PGI together with the radishes and lettuce.

Drizzle with the salad dressing and serve garnished with freshly-grated horseradish and sautéed croutons.

If fresh ceps are not available, use ceps pickled in oil. To vary the dish, serve Carpaccio with freshly-grated flakes of ‘Grana’ (hard cheese) from South Tyrol.

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