Red wine fettuccine with leek, Graukäse and Speck Alto Adige - recipe

Course: starter
Style: modern
Level of difficulty: medium
Preparation time: 60 min. + 1 hour
Created by: "Südtiroler Gasthaus" Group


  Red wine fettuccine with leek, Graukäse and Speck

For the pasta dough:
100 ml red wine (e.g. Zweigelt)
187 g wheat flour 
62 g semolina 
1,5 eggs
For the sauce:
25 g butter
50 g leek, cut into wide strips
25 ml white wine 
100 g meat or vegetable stock
50 g Graukäse, cubed
50 g Speck Alto Adige PGI, julienned
Further ingredients:
2-3 slices Speck Alto Adige PGI, thinly sliced
herbs to garnish
For the pasta dough:
200 ml red wine (e.g. Zweigelt) 
375 g wheat flour 
125 g semolina 
3 eggs
For the sauce:
50 g butter 
100 g leek, cut into wide strips
50 ml white wine 
200 g meat or vegetable stock 
100 g Graukäse, cubed 
100 g Speck Alto Adige PGI, julienned
Further ingredients:
5 slices Speck Alto Adige PGI, thinly sliced
herbs to garnish
For the pasta dough:
400 ml red wine (e.g. Zweigelt) 
750 g wheat flour 
250 g semolina 
6 eggs
For the sauce:
100 g butter 
200 g leek, cut into wide strips
100 ml white wine 
400 g meat or vegetable stock 
200 g Graukäse, cubed 
200 g Speck Alto Adige PGI, julienned
Further ingredients:
10 slices Speck Alto Adige PGI, thinly sliced
herbs to garnish


For the pasta dough, reduce the red wine by half and let cool. Knead all ingredients to form a smooth dough. Wrap in plastic and let rest 1 hour in the refrigerator. Roll out the dough thinly with a pasta maker and cut into fettuccine. Dry the pasta slightly. For the sauce, melt the butter and quickly sauté the leek in it. Salt and deglaze with the white wine. Reduce slightly and add some meat stock. Cool the pasta in salt water, add to the leek and toss. Add the Speck Alto Adige PGI and cubed Graukäse and melt the cheese to thicken the sauce. Dry the Speck Alto Adige PGI slices in the microwave or in a pan without oil. Arrange the pasta on plates, garnish with Speck Alto Adige PGI chips and herbs.


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