Potatoes with Speck Alto Adige - recipe

Course: appetizer
Style: modern
Level of difficulty: easy
Preparation time: 45 min.
Created by: Herbert Hintner


  Potatoes with Speck

80 g Speck Alto Adige PGI 
4 medium sized potatoes
50 g sour cream 
25 g braised onions
5 g chives 
1 sprig of thyme 
2 leaves of basil 
2 sprigs of parsley
salt and pepper
160 g Speck Alto Adige PGI 
8 medium sized potatoes 
100 g sour cream
50 g braised onions 
10 g chives 
2 sprigs of thyme 
4 leaves of basil 
4 sprigs of parsley
salt and pepper
320 g Speck Alto Adige PGI 
16 medium sized potatoes 
200 g sour cream 
100 g braised onions 
20 g chives 
4 sprigs of thyme 
8 leaves of basil 
8 sprigs of parsley
salt and pepper


Boil the potatoes in salted water leaving their skin on. Warm the sour cream and season with salt and pepper. Add the finely chopped herbs. Cut the potatoes at about one third of their length and delicately scoop out the flesh using a teaspoon. Cut the Speck Alto Adige PGI into slices, mix with the braised onions and use the mixture to fill the empty potatoes. Put the sour cream onto the plate and place the potatoes on top. Garnish as you wish.

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